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Namaz :: Prayer

What Does Namaz Means ?
What is Namaz?
Salat (Prayers) 

Definition of Salat: 
Next to Kalima Tayyiba the second pillar of Islam is Salat (Prayers). In Arabic Salat means prayer and in the terminology of Shari’ah, Salat is a specific manner of worship which the Holy Prophet (PBUH)
has told to the believers. Salat is the most important pillar of Islamic Ibadat (worship). It is an obligation for every rich or poor, old or young, man or woman, ill or healthy. 
Importance of Salat: 
The Holy Quran and Hadith have greatly emphasized the observance of Salat. The Holy Quran says: 
"Oh Prophet (PBUH) say to My servants who believe that they should establish prayers." (Abrahim 31) 
"And establish prayers and pay the Zakat and go down with those (Muslims) who bow." (Baqra 43)
It is said in Hadith: 
"The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said, "O Ma’az, for me your great obligation is Salat."
So much importance of Salat is due to this reason that Namaz is an expression of the servant’s humbleness and subordination through heart, tongue, and hands and feet in the presence of their Lord. It is the paying of the gratitude for the countless blessings and fervors. It is a praise of the Creator of the universe, and admission of His great supremacy and Tauheed of oneness. Salat is the subordination of heart and mind before their Lord, and consolation of troublesome spirit; and a prayer of a dishearted heart. Salat keeps away evils. It creates the remembrance of God in the heart, and realizing the purpose of creation. 
The condition governing Namaz 

The fulfilling of the following conditions is necessary. 

Purification of body. If there is any impurity then remove it. 

The purity of clothes. 

The purity of place. 

Covering the groin: The groin of man is between the navel and the knee, and for woman is the whole body except the face, two palms and feet. 


Facing towards Qiblah. 

Intention for Salat. 

Azan and Iqamah 

For observing the collective prayers, azan and iqamah are essential. 

Prayer Timings 

The Morning Prayer (Fajer): From dawn to the rising of sun. 

The Noon Prayer (Zuhr) From the inclination of sun to the west until the shadow of every thing becomes double than the shadow at noon. 

The Afternoon Prayer (Asr): From the departure of the time of Zuhr to the setting of the sun. 

The Sunset Prayer (Maghrib): From the sunset till the disappearance of the clouds (light)in the horizon. 

The Night Prayer (Isha): From the disappearance of the red clouds in the horizon until dawn.

No Namaz can be observed before its time. If it is missed then it can be said qaza (just before the next prayer). 
Steps of Five Prayers 

After fulfilling the preliminary conditions, stand facing towards Qiblah. First intend to perform the prayer. Intention is called the willingness of heart. Utterence of the words by mouth is suggested but not compulsory. Then by raising the hands upto the ears, say takbir (AllahuAkbar-God is the greatest) and place the hands one over the other on the navel. Then after Sana, Ta’awaz and Tusmiyya, recite surah Fatiha, and either some verses of the Holy Quran, or a small Surah (It is not permissible to attach the verses of the Holy Quran in third and fourth rak’ats). After saying the Takbir bend for Ruku. Say Takbir (glorification) of Ruku three times and rising from Ruku say the words of qomah (rising from Ruku ). By saying Takbir, go down far Sajdah (Prostration) and say Tasbih of Sajdah. Then after saying the takbir sit down erect, and perform the second Sajdah, and saying the words of tasbih and Takbir stand up upright. Then start the second rak’at and perform it like the first one. After rising from Sajdah in second rak’at recite Tashahud (bearing witness). In the last rak’at recite Tushahud with Darud and prayers: After it performs the Salam. 

Benefits of Namaz
The believer confesses the supremacy of Allah ta’ala and his humbleness in Namaz. By placing the hands one upon the other, he stands with great respect in Divine Court, then he bends down in Raku, and in the performance of Sajdah he puts the best and excellent part of his body i.e. forehead on the ground. This presentation of a humble believer is in fact, the meeting with Allah, the Truthful, and is a Miraj (ascent). 

Namaz is the best means of creating a discipline in the nation, or group. What practical lesson Muslims take in five daily prayers by standing behind the Imam, in obedience, is surely the demonstration of military discipline. 

The performing of the prayers collectively is not only the obeying of the command of God but also the knowing the affairs of one another. The five daily prayers, Friday Prayer and the Prayers of Eids provide the best and pious opportunities to solve the collective problems of Muslims, and of extending cooperation too. 

Namaz teaches the lesson of sympathy, love, equality and unity, By collective prayers the distances of high and low, weak and strong, scholar and illiterate, king and beggar, rich and poor, and ruler and ruled are diminished; and the feelings of brotherhood are created. They all constitute one group: 
"Servant and master, needy and generous become one Present in Your court they all become one." (Iqbal) 
By virtue of Namaz the physical cleanliness is attained and piety of soul too. Therefore Namaz is the heart of Islamic life. 

Though Namaz the repeated presence in Divine Court, salutation and promise of faithfulness remove the evils and indecency. Therefore the Holy Quran throws light on the philosophy of Namaz. 
"Undoubtedly, the prayer forbids one from indecency and evil thing." (Al-Anqabut 45)